What makes Didactiic different from alternatives?

Parenting young kids can be frustrating for new parents who follow the latest science and guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics and other bodies.  

Current activity based offerings in the marketplace fall into three problematic categories:

1) Screen-based apps targeted to toddlers

- Problem: Digital screen-time use by children under the age of 2 violates research from the AAP showing that it negatively affects your child's cognitive development

2) Curated activities in a box

- Problem: short shelf life, children use the activities one-time and then do not want to use it again

3) Apps with activities created "In-house experts"

- Problem: limited age range, one size fits all

Didactiic provides evidence-based, highly customizable activities choices for parents so that the power to choose the methods you employ to bolster your childs' cognitive development lie with you.

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